We are the leading informative website and online service exclusively for consumers of medicines. Pharmaceutical products such as Kamagra, Tadalis, Valif, etc. are the most accessible and best-selling XX products sold throughout Europe and the USA. All the products listed are 100% original products and come directly from Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Our products contain the same effective ingredients as our competitors’ products, but are sold at a much lower price than our competitors. Since the patents of competing medicines are free, medicines with the same formulation are produced that are affordable to the general public.

Your order should arrive within 2-7 working days for other EU countries, from the day payment is received. Your orders will be shipped discreetly packed in security boxes or small cardboard boxes to protect them from damage. Orders that have been prepaid to our account will be dispatched once the money has been credited to our account. Bank transfers usually take 1-2 working days.

You pay for your order by bank transfer to our bank account. The payment details are shown after the end of the ordering process and will also be sent to you by e-mail as a confirmation of your order.

The order will be dispatched as soon as payment has been made and credited to our bank account. To make a payment, please use only the order number.

The recommended daily dose is 1 tablet or gel per day. Do not exceed this dose.